Vladimir Guillouais

As expected, generative AI has taken over the world. AI is everywhere and an important part of the new contents on the Internet has been generated by AI or with the help of AI. Even the communication between humans will be generated by AI. We’ll reply to an email using the autocompletion mail suggested by AI, our posts on social media will be rewritten by AI and so on.


They had a short life but a good one. The NFTs are about to die or at least in the way we currently know them. Do you own NFTs ? The question is why ? Why do you want to own the original version of a digital file ?


Few weeks ago Apple finally unveiled its AR/VR headset : the Vision Pro. The speed of the tech news is so fast, I prefer not to follow the trend and just take time to talk about something after the storm. I have to admit that I didn’t think they would announce it this year or even next year. The future is now, we have to be prepared for it. It’s a completely new range of products for Apple. Will it lead and transform the market ? I guess yes, let’s discuss why.


Do you need that online presence ? You may want to start this new revolutionary service that will change the world, at least, change your world. You can start to promote your service on social media. You can even pay for some FB ads (we’ll talk about it soon in another blog post) but at some point a real website seems to be obvious. About starting a new business, a good friend of mine said : think big, start small and learn fast. Let’s start with a small website and we’ll learn fast.


I guess that you’ve read the previous post about building a website with google sites or you’ve already done it by yourself : congrats! Your new website is awesome and beautiful as much as google can provide customization tools. OK, with google sites your website is not that trendy but at least you look professional and that’s the aim. With your custom domain name for your website and your custom email address, you have the starting package of a modern businessman. Let’s see how to configure this custom email address and some cool features for your google site.


The world is changing at an exponential pace. It’s getting faster and faster. Despite going from one crisis to another, humanity is going forward and technology remains key in our modern world. The latest trend is about chatGPT but artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are really at the heart of current innovation. I’ve already talked about quick ways to automate your work. Today we’re at the next level. The founders of this company have collectively raised $1 billion USD in 2015 then Microsoft itself has invested another one billion. Their mission : ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity… As you saw in the title, we’ll talk about OpenAI.


The fresh start effect, when you have a boost of motivation just after a temporal landmark like a new year (unexpected example). We’re ready for 2023 after a chaotic year full of hybrid work, a war, energy crisis and inflation. We want to set goals for better behavior and we have this free boost of motivation so let’s use it.


Few days ago, it was the end of the pandemic in France, after 2 years… We don’t really know if it’s the end of the pandemic but at least, it’s the end of the mask. I’ve spent 2 years working from home or WFM. Is it the end or a new beginning ? Let’s find out !


Audius is not just another music streaming platform. It’s a little bit more than that. For the end users, it’s not so different from Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple Music (who is still on Deezer ?). Under the hood, it’s another story and it could make a huge difference for the artists and the whole music industry.


Force est de constater qu'à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes, le cours du Bitcoin, de l'Ether ainsi que de nombreuses crypto-monnaies est en train de chuter. Faut-il s'en inquiéter ou ignorer cette information ? Je dirai plutôt qu'il faut s'en réjouir. Avec un Bitcoin à moins de 50 000$ l'unité, je pense qu'il faut se jeter dessus... Un peu comme tout le monde le fait d'ailleurs. Ce n'est pas toujours une bonne idée de suivre la meute mais le Bitcoin a le potentiel (de ce que j'en comprends) de passer la barre des 100 000$. Investissez aujourd'hui 1000€ en Bitcoin et demain (c'est une image hein, ça prendra quelques mois) vos Bitcoins auront une valeur de 2000€.