Vladimir Guillouais

I do have to confess, I’m pretty new in the blockchain game. I bought a very small amount of bitcoins this year for the very first time. In fact, I even don’t own it because I bought it through Revolut and I’m not in control of my crypto wallet. I may talk about this Bank later. I also must be careful and not mix cryptocurrencies and blockchain. In my point of view, it’s like comparing dollars and tcp/ip : a currency and a technology. I do think blockchain is a long term technology, I’m not an expert it’s just a feeling. Look at this British company, On-line PLC changed its name in 2017 to On-Line Blockchain PLC… The company saw its shares climb nearly 400%.


To run a business, you need a company. You can join an existing one or create a new one. That sounds easy to say not to do. If you are French, it could be easy to do. The ‘auto entrepreneur’ website provided by the French government is the easiest way to start. You just have to enter your social ID number, the type of activity you want to provide and your good to go. 2 weeks later, you’ll receive the official ID (siret number in France) of your company. The name of your company is your first and last names, it’s mandatory. You can still use a commercial name as a brand for your activity but your full name must be visible on all your official documents : quotes, invoices or websites.


Welcome to this awesome blog which is just about to start. I'm sure you've noticed the funny name, inspired by a famous cloud service provided by one of the GAFAM. It's difficult to find a name for a new project, it's way more difficult to find something to catch the attention. The last hurdle is to find an empty space on the internet, in 2020 about 370 millions domain names were listed.