Vladimir Guillouais


Do you need that online presence ? You may want to start this new revolutionary service that will change the world, at least, change your world. You can start to promote your service on social media. You can even pay for some FB ads (we’ll talk about it soon in another blog post) but at some point a real website seems to be obvious. About starting a new business, a good friend of mine said : think big, start small and learn fast. Let’s start with a small website and we’ll learn fast.


I guess that you’ve read the previous post about building a website with google sites or you’ve already done it by yourself : congrats! Your new website is awesome and beautiful as much as google can provide customization tools. OK, with google sites your website is not that trendy but at least you look professional and that’s the aim. With your custom domain name for your website and your custom email address, you have the starting package of a modern businessman. Let’s see how to configure this custom email address and some cool features for your google site.


Few days ago, it was the end of the pandemic in France, after 2 years… We don’t really know if it’s the end of the pandemic but at least, it’s the end of the mask. I’ve spent 2 years working from home or WFM. Is it the end or a new beginning ? Let’s find out !


To run a business, you need a company. You can join an existing one or create a new one. That sounds easy to say not to do. If you are French, it could be easy to do. The ‘auto entrepreneur’ website provided by the French government is the easiest way to start. You just have to enter your social ID number, the type of activity you want to provide and your good to go. 2 weeks later, you’ll receive the official ID (siret number in France) of your company. The name of your company is your first and last names, it’s mandatory. You can still use a commercial name as a brand for your activity but your full name must be visible on all your official documents : quotes, invoices or websites.