life and death of NFT
They had a short life but a good one. The NFTs are about to die or at least in the way we currently know them. Do you own NFTs ? The question is why ? Why do you want to own the original version of a digital file ?
They had a short life but a good one. The NFTs are about to die or at least in the way we currently know them. Do you own NFTs ? The question is why ? Why do you want to own the original version of a digital file ?
Audius is not just another music streaming platform. It’s a little bit more than that. For the end users, it’s not so different from Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple Music (who is still on Deezer ?). Under the hood, it’s another story and it could make a huge difference for the artists and the whole music industry.
Force est de constater qu'à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes, le cours du Bitcoin, de l'Ether ainsi que de nombreuses crypto-monnaies est en train de chuter. Faut-il s'en inquiéter ou ignorer cette information ? Je dirai plutôt qu'il faut s'en réjouir. Avec un Bitcoin à moins de 50 000$ l'unité, je pense qu'il faut se jeter dessus... Un peu comme tout le monde le fait d'ailleurs. Ce n'est pas toujours une bonne idée de suivre la meute mais le Bitcoin a le potentiel (de ce que j'en comprends) de passer la barre des 100 000$. Investissez aujourd'hui 1000€ en Bitcoin et demain (c'est une image hein, ça prendra quelques mois) vos Bitcoins auront une valeur de 2000€.
I do have to confess, I’m pretty new in the blockchain game. I bought a very small amount of bitcoins this year for the very first time. In fact, I even don’t own it because I bought it through Revolut and I’m not in control of my crypto wallet. I may talk about this Bank later. I also must be careful and not mix cryptocurrencies and blockchain. In my point of view, it’s like comparing dollars and tcp/ip : a currency and a technology. I do think blockchain is a long term technology, I’m not an expert it’s just a feeling. Look at this British company, On-line PLC changed its name in 2017 to On-Line Blockchain PLC… The company saw its shares climb nearly 400%.
Hi, I'm Vladimir
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